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> 5 Quick Tricks to Transform Your Existing or New Home

5 Quick Tricks to Transform Your Existing or New Home

Quick Tricks to Transform Your Existing or New Home

Whether you’ve just moved into a new home or are seeking quick tips to enhance your existing space, here are some expert tricks that professional designers often use, but you don’t have to break the bank to enjoy:

Embrace the Power of Small Changes:

Sometimes, it’s the little things that make the most significant impact. Consider adding an extra mirror, a timeless painting, a potted plant, or a stylish lamp. Take a moment to think about which of these options suits your home’s ambience the best.

Maximize Your Living Room:

Even a small living room can feel spacious with the right design choices. Utilize large windows, light-coloured walls, and cleverly placed mirrors to bounce natural light around the room. Mirrors can also create the illusion of more space, making the room seem larger and airier than it is.

Blend the Old with the New:

Don’t hesitate to display your family heirlooms alongside modern furniture. The antique Chippendale desk, with its history and contemporary couch, tells a combined story of your past and present, adding depth to your home’s narrative.

Discover the Versatility of Slipcovers:

Contrary to misconceptions, slipcovers are fantastic tools. They let you transform the look of your furniture to match different seasons. With easily removable covers, you can achieve a polished appearance without worrying about spills on your high-quality plywood furniture.

Bring the Outdoors In:

Elevate your living space by incorporating green plants. Not only plant a cost-effective way to embellish your interiors with color and texture, but they also purify the air and maintain humidity levels. They act as natural filters, absorbing pollutants and refreshing the air in your home. Including these beautiful green assets is essential for a healthy and vibrant home.

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